Thursday, December 23, 2010

Prédateur 2.0 Released - Merry Christmas to all!!

Merry Christmas to all! :) To celebrate our Savior's birth, I give you the produce of two years of episodic efforts : Prédateur 2.0.

Among improvements and novelties, you'll find :
- ponder mode added
- Internal Iterative Deepening
- "Distance to mate" pruning
- Late Move Pruning
- "avoid null-move" in the hash table
- pawn-hash
- switched from verified null move to simple null move
- no more recapture nor pawnpush extensions
- Late Move Reduction finely tuned
- devided the search into a root and branchs ones
- much smarter output (PrÈdateur won't spam you anymore)
- improved time management
- passers and backward pawns recognition added to eval (still basic)
- LOTS of bugs suppressed here and there (especially in the hash tables

You can download it on the top-right of this page. If you use it on a daily basis and find it usefull, please consider showing the developer some support by hitting the "PayPal Donate" button. ;)

I wish you all a joyful Christmas 2010 and a very happy new year 2011! Have fun with Prédateur! :)